
Contact the Supreme Sky Pilot

Carl Fogg 

or visit:

Sky Pilot Charge

My Comrades pinned these wings on my chest, I’ve earned their confidence and will not rest, as a Cootie, “Busier than a Bee,” I wear them proudly for all to see, honoring my Brothers when they fall, in joy or sorrow I’ll give my all,
always vigilant to spot a frown,
it’s my duty to turn it upside down.

Courtesy of Chaplain
Dale Iannello

Click Here to download a copy of the Sky Pilot Charge.

Remember to always wear your Sky Pilot wings! 


Welcome all Sky Pilots
Sky Pilot Logo

What is a Sky Pilot?

A Sky Pilot is the Cootie nickname for a Chaplain.

MOC and MOCA Sky Pilots (Chaplains at the Grand and Supreme level) are our nation's comrade veterans who minister to our nation's sons and daughters, and their families. Like any chaplain or minister, they must provide a dynamic and genuine ministry with a shepherd's heart.  Whether leading worship, visiting a hospital, conducting a final farewell to our comrades, or even answering a phone call just to talk, Sky Pilots are always at the frontline of our veterans' lives.

Sky Pilots serve both God and country by bringing their unique gifts with which they are endowed by God, to the veterans of our nation in the broad, challenging, diverse, and ever changing environment.

Courtesy of Reverend Tom Darling

Click on one of the tabs below to navigate the content.

Certificate of Rememberance, Click HERE!  Please print on thicker card stock paper.

Grand Sky Pilot Worksheet, Click HERE!

Sky Pilot Report Online

Sky Pilot "Verbatim" report form (Beta) (This is a detailed report of a Sky Pilot's visit to a hospital, nursing home, etc.)(The report is a tool to improve a Sky Pilot's performance when interacting with veterans and their families.) (It can be viewed on all mobile devices.)

CARD TEMPLATES (Use Avery 8315 Card Template):

Supreme Chaplain Just a Note
Supreme Chaplain Get Well
Supreme Chaplain Sympathy
Supreme Chaplain Thinking of You

Grand Chaplain Just a Note
Grand Chaplain Get Well
Grand Chaplain Sympathy
Grand Chaplain Thinking of You

Pup Tent Sky Pilot Just a Note
Pup Tent Sky Pilot Get Well
Pup Tent Sky Pilot Sympathy
Pup Tent Sky Pilot Thinking of You

Never Despair Card (Use Avery 8859 Glossy Business Card Template)







Official Military Order of the Cootie Sky Pilot Manual & Handbook
(Print Version, blank pages are intentional) Click HERE! Last update February 2021
MS Word Version Click HERE!
  Last update February 2021


Sky Pilot Statement of Ethics and Guiding Principles

1. Sky Pilots will demonstrate utmost personal and professional integrity: truthfulness, honesty, compassion and careful attention.

2. Sky Pilots will provide an objective, appropriate, holistic support and a comforting presence.

3. Sky Pilots will not proselytize. Those who are cared for will be provided freedom from unwanted gifts of religious literature or symbols, evangelistic and sermonizing speech, or forced acceptance of specific moral values and traditions.

4. Sky Pilots will demonstrate sensitivity to all faith traditions and provide appropriate and sensitive spiritual care to all persons in need, irrespective of their religious or nonreligious identity.

5. Sky Pilots will not discriminate, with regards to their care, based on sex, age, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, disabilities, socioeconomic status, or any other factors that would hamper a person’s ability to receive spiritual care.

6. Sky Pilots will, whenever possible, attempt to locate a spiritual leader within the faith tradition of an affected person, if needed.

7. Out of respect for those who are served, Sky Pilots will maintain confidentiality.

8. Sky Pilots recognize their personal and professional limits, know their boundaries and make referrals to professionals with appropriate expertise.

9. Sky Pilots will do no harm.


by Reverend Peter R. Hook, Chaplain, Department of Pennsylvania

A Prayer to Start the Day
by Reverend Peter R. Hook, Chaplain, Department of Pennsylvania


by Reverend Peter R. Hook, Chaplain, Department of Pennsylvania

Healing Prayer Jewish Tradition
When in a Hospital Room
When in Pain
Before Surgery
For Healing
You are Never Alone


These prayers can be viewed on mobile devices:  vfw_prayers_mobile



Net Bible Online Bible with different versions.

E-Sword Bible study suite that is downloadable. 

New Minister's Manual


Sefaria Living library of Jewish sacred texts online.


Holy Quran Online Islamic resources.


Buddhist Society Online resources for Buddhists


Hindu Online Resources for Hindus.


Shinto Portal Resources for the Shinto religion.


Taoism Online resources about Taoism.


Below are some useful links to guide your service as a Sky Pilot:


Defense Suicide Prevention Office The Defense Suicide Prevention Office does not provide crisis services. If you or someone you know is in crisis, contact the Veteran/Military Crisis Line for immediate assistance.

Veterans Crisis Conversation Handout This handout gives helpful information on helping a veteran in crisis.

Warriors Journey  Warriors helping Warriors.  (There is a Chaplain section).

VFW Chaplain Department Websites

VFW Missouri Chaplain's Page  (Chaplain Deborah Halter, current VFW National Chaplain)

VFW Pennsylvania Chaplain's Page   (Chaplain Peter Hook, past VFW National Chaplain)

Sky Pilot Comic Book