
Contact Us

MOC Supreme Headquarters
604 Braddock Avenue
Turtle Creek, PA 15145

Phone: 412-824-2240
Fax: 412-824-1850

Supreme E-mail

Supreme Geek

Our Favorite Slogans:

"Keep 'em Smilin' in
Beds of White"

"Closer than a Brother,
Busier than a Bee"

"Increase and Multiply"

Our Motto:

"Honor, Loyalty,
Perseverance and Industry"

"The Honor Degree
of the VFW"

Welcome to our "Crummy" News Page

The New Front - Fighting Against Claim Sharks, click Here to view the article from Adjutant General Dan West.

Supreme Special Order #3 click Here!

Supreme General Order #5 click Here!

Supreme General Order #4 click Here!

Supreme General Order #3 click Here!

Supreme General Order #1 click Here!

The Supreme Clown Program is back at the National Home!  Click Here for details.

The Military Order of the Cootie is now a
Purple Heart Organization!

Click Here to view the proclamation


Let's get out into those "Fertile Hunting Grounds" and invite some unsuspecting Atom to take those backward steps and become a part of our "Crummy Fraternity" so they too are able to spread the "Sulphur Ointment of Happiness" to veterans and their families!

Yours in LOTCS,
The Great Blue Louse