
Contact Us

MOC Supreme Headquarters
604 Braddock Avenue
Turtle Creek, PA 15145

Phone: 412-824-2240
Fax: 412-824-1850

Supreme E-mail

Supreme Geek


Our Favorite Slogans:

"Keep 'em Smilin' in
Beds of White"

"Closer than a Brother,
Busier than a Bee"

"Increase and Multiply"

Our Motto:

"Honor, Loyalty,
Perseverance and Industry"

"The Honor Degree
of the VFW"




105th Supreme Scratch Banquet Registration

Alert! Make a meal selection below from the drop
down menu and then select "Add to Cart." Cooties
cannot apply the "Red Star" discount for tickets!  

Choices are:

Posto Chicken Bruschetta or Beef

Dinner will include salad, rolls, vegetables, dessert, coffee, tea or

Cost of the meal is $60.00  

For 2 tickets, please use the "Add to cart" button below so that the proper discount on the tickets may be applied on checkout.

For 3 tickets, please use the below "Add to cart" button so that the proper discount on the tickets may be applied on checkout.

Alert! Seating will be in rounds of TEN.  Tickets will NOT be mailed. Pick up tickets starting Thursday July 31, 2024 at the registration table at the Supreme Scratch.