Thank you for your unwavering dedication and service to
veterans and their families. Your commitment and
compassion make a profound difference in the lives of
those who have
served our country. Below, you will find
a collection of
resources designed to support and guide
you in your vital role.
Hopefully these materials will assist
you in continuing your
invaluable work with even greater
confidence and
Thank you once again for all that you do!
Chaplains are our nation's comrade veterans who minister
to our nation's sons and daughters, and their families. Like
any chaplain or minister, they must provide a dynamic and
genuine ministry with a shepherd's heart. Whether leading
worship, visiting a hospital, conducting a final farewell to
our comrades, or even answering a phone call just to talk,
Chaplains are always at the frontline of our veterans' lives.
Chaplains serve both God and country by bringing their
unique gifts with which they are endowed by God, to the
veterans of our nation in the broad, challenging, diverse,
and ever changing environment.
Courtesy of
Tom Darling
(Past VFW National Chaplain)
The Chaplain's Corner is a monthly message
from the VFW
National Chaplain.
NEW Issue! The VFW Chaplain
Service Dispatch magazine.
Click Here to see the January 2025 Issue.
Past issues: 2024 SEP, 2024 OCT
by Reverend Peter R. Hook,
National Chaplain
Clergy vs: Chaplain...Is there a difference?
Credibility of Chaplains and Leadership
Dealing with Suicide as a Chaplain
Exercising Wisdom When Helping People in Need
Organizational Structure of the VFW Chaplaincy
Our National Motto: IN GOD WE TRUST
Public occasions put the Chaplain on center stage
When a crisis happens remember A-B-C
by Chaplain Dale A. Iannello, B.Th., M.B.S.
Chaplains and Mandatory Reporting
Have you checked on your Chaplain lately?
The Heart and Soul of Service:
the Role of VFW Chaplains
1. In a non-sectarian manner, you should be prepared to listen
to your fellow comrades/sisters and provide aid and spiritual
comfort in times of stress, sickness, or bereavement.
2. Work with your Service Officer to aid members and their
families in time of need.
3. Your Post Commander or Officers may come to you in
confidence. Remember the privileged communication you are
having is for your ears only. Uphold the high ideals of the
organization in any advice you offer. Remember it is a
privilege – respect it.
4. You should be prepared to offer the ritual prayers at each
meeting of the Post. You will also be called upon to offer
appropriate prayers at the initiation of new members;
installation of officers; the dedication of a building,
or colors; or at the memorial service of a comrade.
Note: All such services are commemorated by use of the
or Ladies Auxiliary ritual.
5. Being a member of the Post’s Memorial Team will provide
an opportunity for contact with the grieving family and thus
provides a caring ministry to them. The Memorial Team is
important part of the honors offered to a veteran.
6. Use the persuasion of your office to promote harmony and
unity in the Post/District/State.
1. Chaplains will demonstrate utmost personal and
integrity: truthfulness, honesty, and compassion
to those who
they minister to.
2. Chaplains will provide an objective, appropriate, holistic
support and a comforting presence.
3. Chaplains will not proselytize. Those who are cared for
be provided freedom from unwanted gifts of religious
or symbols, evangelistic and sermonizing speech,
or forced
acceptance of specific moral values and traditions.
4. Chaplains will demonstrate sensitivity to all faith traditions
and provide appropriate and sensitive spiritual care to all
persons in need,
irrespective of their religious or
5. Chaplains will not discriminate, with regards to their care,
based on sex, age, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation,
disabilities, socioeconomic status, or any other factors that
would hamper a person’s ability to receive spiritual care.
6. Chaplains will, whenever possible, attempt to locate a
spiritual leader within the faith tradition of an affected
person, if needed.
7. Out of respect for those who are served, Chaplains will
maintain confidentiality.
8. Chaplains recognize their personal and professional limits,
know their boundaries and make referrals to professionals
with appropriate expertise.
9. Chaplains will do no harm.
ATTN: All chaplain reports are now to be filed on the
Department Dashboard under/along with community
service report.
Chaplain of the Year Award requirements
Defense Suicide Prevention Office The Defense Suicide
Prevention Office does not provide crisis services. If you or
someone you know is in crisis, contact the Veteran/Military
Crisis Line for immediate assistance.
Veterans Crisis Conversation Handout This handout gives
helpful information on helping a veteran in crisis.
Suicide Prevention Resource Center
6 Ways to Begin a Conversation about Veteran Suicide
Warriors Journey Warriors helping Warriors. (There is
a Chaplain section).
VFW California Chaplain's Page
(Chaplain Frank Correa, State Chaplain)
VFW Colorado Chaplain's Page
(Chaplain Kevin Reinhold, State Chaplain)
VFW Missouri Chaplain's Page
(Chaplain Deborah Halter, Past VFW National Chaplain)
VFW Pennsylvania Chaplain's Page
(Chaplain Peter Hook, Past VFW National Chaplain)
VFW Washington Chaplain's Page
(Chaplain Uschi Graeff)
State Chaplain Get Well
State Chaplain Sympathy
State Chaplain Just a Note
State Chaplain Thinking of You
District Chaplain Get Well
District Chaplain Sympathy
District Chaplain Just a Note
District Chaplain Thinking of You
Post Chaplain Get Well
Post Chaplain Sympathy
Post Chaplain Just a Note
Post Chaplain Thinking of You
Christian Leaders Institute (CLI), Introduction
to Chaplaincy training
CLI Informational PDF CLI Informational slideshow
VFW National Level Memorial
Memorial Service National Script (PDF)
VFW Conference Level Memorial
Eastern Conference Memorial Bulletin Cover
Eastern Conference Memorial Bulletin Inside
VFW Department Level Memorial
Department Memorial Bulletin
Department Memorial Script
VFW District Level Memorial
District Memorial Service Template (PDF)
District Memorial Service Template (Word)
District Memorial Service Index Cards
VFW Post Level Memorial
Funeral Services
Draping of the VFW Charter by Reverend Peter R. Hook,
Chaplain, Department of Pennsylvania
Funeral Planning for the Veteran
Memorial Service Template
Memorial Checklist and Planning Worksheet
VFW Chaplain Meeting Prayers (VFW 2023 Ritual)
by Reverend Peter R. Hook, Chaplain,
Department of Pennsylvania
Prayer for Support by Reverend Peter R. Hook,
Chaplain, Department of Pennsylvania
Whether a Chaplain is on the go ministering to Comrades
or their families, visiting a post, or is in need of meeting
prayers, these "prayers on the go" will be helpful.
These prayers can be viewed on mobile devices:
Zoom Training
IMPORTANT NOTE: All Zoom training links will be
via email. When participants log into a Zoom
training session,
the screen name must be formatted as:
First and last name with
the state. For example:
Dale Iannello (WA). This will help us
know who is on,
enabling us to count attendance by state.
Next training session: (Tentative) Thursday SEP 19th.
5:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
6:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
7:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
8:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Scan the QR code below to
sign up for VFW Chaplain
Zoom Training
Past Training Sessions
JANUARY 2025 Knowing when to refer
Presented by Past National Chaplain Jim Jenkins
Click HERE to view the PowerPoint slideshow.
Supplementary PDF Knowing when and how to refer
someone in need or in trouble.
Click HERE
Supplementary PDF Crisis Resources,
Bonner Springs.
Click HERE
NOVEMBER 2024 Personality traits and stress levels
presented by Chaplain
Peter Hook.
World Religions presented by Chaplain Deborah Halter
and Chaplain Frank Correa.
Click HERE to view the YouTube video.
OCTOBER 2024 Dashboard Reporting for Chaplains review
(Presented by Chaplain Frank Correa).
Click HERE to view the PDF version.
JULY 2024 National Chaplain Workshop in Louisville,
KY. Click HERE to view the slideshow. (Presented by
Frank Correa).
Click HERE to download the Chaplain resource page
Click HERE to download the Chaplain Zoom sign up
Click HERE to download the "In a Crisis Remember
A-B-C. (Presented by Past National Chaplain
Deborah Halter).
MAY 2024 Dashbord Reporting (Presented by Chaplain
Frank Correa) Click HERE to view the training session.
Click HERE to download the PowerPoint presentation.
APR 2024 Memorial Services (Presented by Chaplain Peter
Hook) click HERE to download the PowerPoint presentation.
MAR 2024 Ethics (Presented by Chaplain Frank Correa)
and VFW Ritual (Presented by Chaplain Peter Hook).
click HERE to view the training session. (YouTube).
FEB 2024 Suicide Prevention Training II, click HERE!
(PDF) or HERE! (PowerPoint) host Chaplain Ron Ringo Jr.
Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) information, click HERE!
host Chaplain Ron Ringo Jr.
JAN 2024 Suicide Prevention Training, click HERE!
(YouTube) host Chaplain Ron Ringo Jr.
NOV 2023 VFW National Home introduction training
session, click HERE! (YouTube).
OCT 2023 Chaplain Workshop with host Past National
Chaplain Jim Jenkins, click HERE! (YouTube).
Other Training Material
Presented by Chaplain Peter Hook
Funeral Planning for the Veteran (15 MAR 23)
Memorial Service Template (15 MAR 23)
Hospital Visitation
Presented by Chaplain Frank Correa
Hospital, Nursing Home, Private Home, Hospice &
Spiritual Care Workshop (19 APR 23)
Hospital, Nursing Home, Private Home, Hospice &
Spiritual Care Workshop Slideshow (19 APR 23)
Based on the training material above test your knowledge
by taking the following test. There is a test and an answer
Hospital Visitation Test
Hospital Visitation Answer Sheet
After reading the information under the "Ethics" tab, test
knowledge by taking the following test. There is the
test and
an answer sheet.
Ethics Test
Ethics Answer Sheet
A brief overview of the SAVE suicide prevention training
For more resources go to the VFW National
Chaplain web
page at:
Or click on the button below...
VFW National Chaplain
VFW Chaplain POC’s (Points of Contact)
Peter Hook (VFW National Chaplain)
David Frei (PastVFW National Chaplain)
Deborah Halter (Past VFW National Chaplain)
Jim Jenkins (Past VFW National Chaplain)
Frank Correa (Western Conference Chaplain)
Darren Atkins (Southern Conference Asst Chaplain)
Dale Iannello “Chappy” (“I.T.” Chaplain)